Morning Routines For Creatives (Why & How)

I’m sure you are sick of hearing how crucial morning routines are…but it turns out there’s a mountain of truth to this, especially for creatives, and some interesting reasons why. I did some research to find out what these are and how you can build your own based on your individual needs.

If it’s improved productivity and creativity you are after, search no further. An individually optimized morning routine will be your new best friend.

You might also be interested in Habits, Systems & Routines For Improved Creativity (according to the PROS)Opens in a new tab.

10 Famous Creative Professionals And Their Morning Routines

These highly successful creatives have shared insights into how their morning routines contribute to their success, well-being, and productivity.

  1. Pablo Picasso: The renowned artist would often wake up early in the morning and spend the first few hours of his day working on his art. He believed that the morning was the best time for creative inspiration.
  2. Maya Angelou: The celebrated poet and author was known for waking up early, around 5:30 a.m., and starting her day with a cup of coffee. She would then go to a hotel room or a quiet space to work on her writing, often completing several pages before noon.
  3. Ludwig van Beethoven: The famous composer had a strict morning routine. He would wake up at dawn and prepare his own coffee, counting precisely 60 coffee beans for each cup. He would then sit at his desk and work on his compositions for several hours.
  4. Georgia O’Keeffe: The iconic American artist had a disciplined morning routine. She would rise early and spend her mornings immersed in her artwork, often painting landscapes or flowers. She believed that the quiet and solitude of the morning hours helped her focus and create.
  5. Ernest Hemingway: The legendary writer had a simple morning routine that he adhered to religiously. He would wake up early and start writing immediately, often standing at a typewriter. He believed in the importance of starting the day with a clear mind to capture his thoughts effectively.
  6. Salvador Dalí: The surrealist painter had a unique morning routine. He would wake up early, but instead of immediately diving into work, he would stay in bed for a while and practice “slumber with a key.” He would hold a key in his hand, which would drop when he fell asleep, waking him up and allowing him to capture the dreamlike images before they faded.
  7. Tim Cook: The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, is known for starting his day early. He reportedly wakes up at 4:30 a.m. and begins his morning with email and exercise. Cook has mentioned that his morning routine helps him stay disciplined, focused, and energized for the day ahead.
  8. Oprah Winfrey: The media mogul and philanthropist Oprah Winfrey emphasize the importance of a morning routine for setting a positive tone for the day. She typically starts her mornings with meditation and gratitude exercises, which she believes contribute to her overall well-being and success.
  9. Richard Branson: The founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, is an advocate for maintaining a consistent morning routine. He prioritizes exercise, which often includes swimming or kiteboarding, as a way to boost his energy and clear his mind. Branson believes that a productive morning routine helps him stay productive and focused throughout the day.
  10. Arianna Huffington: The co-founder of The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington, is a strong proponent of prioritizing sleep and well-being in the morning. She recommends starting the day with a few minutes of meditation or reflection, rather than immediately checking email or social media. Huffington believes that taking time for self-care sets a positive tone for the day and improves overall productivity.

Why Morning routines?

Establishing a morning routine has been recognized as a beneficial practice for various aspects of human performance, including success and creativity. While scientific research explicitly examining the correlation between morning routines and success or creativity is limited, several studies shed light on the potential mechanisms at play. 

From a scientific standpoint, there are several reasons why performing certain actions in the morning can have significance compared to doing them in the evening:

Circadian Rhythm

Our bodies have an internal clock known as the circadian rhythm, which regulates various physiological processes over a 24-hour cycle. Research suggests that our cognitive abilities, alertness, and physical performance are generally at their peak during the morning hours when our circadian rhythm is aligned with wakefulness. 

This can make activities like meditation, exercise, and creative pursuits more effective and enjoyable in the morning.

Willpower and Decision Fatigue

We have to make numerous decisions throughout the day, and this mental effort can lead to decision fatigue. Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions as our mental resources become depleted

By engaging in activities like planning, setting intentions, or prioritizing goals in the morning, when our mental resources are typically higher, we can make more deliberate choices and reduce decision fatigue later in the day.

According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology (Kahn et al., 2017), individuals who engage in consistent morning routines experience higher levels of self-control and are more effective in managing their time and energy throughout the day. 

Moreover, a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (Masicampo & Baumeister, 2011) suggests that making consistent decisions during a morning routine can mitigate decision fatigue, enabling individuals to make better choices later in the day. 

Energy and Productivity

After a night of sleep, our energy levels are replenished, and our mental faculties are refreshed. This can contribute to increased focus, productivity, and creativity in the morning. By tackling important tasks or engaging in activities that require concentration and creative thinking early in the day, we can leverage this natural surge of energy to make progress and achieve optimal results.

Uninterrupted Time 

Mornings often provide a relatively quiet and uninterrupted period before the demands and distractions of the day take hold. This uninterrupted time can create an environment conducive to deep work, reflection, and introspection. With fewer external disturbances, our ability to concentrate and enter a state of flow, where we are fully immersed and engaged in our work, may be enhanced.

Regarding creativity, morning routines provide dedicated time for reflection, solitude, and deep work, which are conducive to generating innovative ideas

Renowned psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, in his book “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience,” emphasizes the importance of uninterrupted focus and concentration for fostering creativity

I wrote a summary for this book in my article Mastering Focus: Tips for Creators.Opens in a new tab.

Morning routines that allow for uninterrupted time and a calm environment provide a fertile ground for entering a state of flow and fostering creative thinking. 

Psychological Priming

Engaging in positive and beneficial activities in the morning sets a positive tone for the day ahead. Activities like mindfulness, gratitude, and nurturing creativity early in the day can create a positive mindset, improve mood, and increase resilience, which can contribute to overall well-being and success.

It’s important to note that while these factors suggest the potential benefits of morning routines, individual variations exist. Not everyone is naturally inclined to be a morning person, and personal circumstances may require flexibility in establishing routines. The key is to find a routine that aligns with your own biological rhythms, preferences, and lifestyle to optimize your well-being and productivity.


  • Kahn, U., et al. (2017). A daily investigation of the relationships between sleep affect, and self-control capacity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(2), 214-224.
  • Masicampo, E. J., & Baumeister, R. F. (2011). Consider it done! Plan-making can eliminate the cognitive effects of unfulfilled goals. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 140(3), 283-294.
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1991). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper Perennial.

What do the best morning routines have in common?

Analyzing over a hundred well-known creatives’ morning routines reveals some commonalities and similarities that can be observed. While individual routines vary, certain patterns tend to emerge. 

Early wake-up times

Many successful creatives tend to wake up early, often before sunrise. This provides them with uninterrupted time and a sense of solitude that can enhance focus and productivity.

Meditation or mindfulness

Several creatives incorporate mindfulness practices into their morning routines, such as meditation, deep breathing, or visualization exercises. These techniques help cultivate mental clarity, reduce stress, and promote a positive mindset.

Exercise or physical activity

Engaging in physical activity, whether it’s a workout, yoga, walking, or jogging, is a recurring theme among successful creatives. Exercise boosts energy levels, improves cognitive function, and enhances overall well-being, enabling them to approach their work with a clear and alert mind.

Journaling or reflection

Many creatives dedicate time in the morning for reflection, journalingOpens in a new tab.

Setting intentions or goals

Successful creatives often spend time in the morning setting intentions or visualizing their goals. This helps them focus their energy and attention on what they aim to achieve, providing a sense of direction and purpose.

If you are struggling in this area (who doesn’t? Please name names) then you might find my article, How To Set And Achieve Goals Using the 80/20 Rule Opens in a new tab.

Minimizing distractions

Several creatives prioritize minimizing distractions in the morning, such as avoiding social media, email, or news. This allows them to maintain control over their attention and protect their creative energy for their most important work.

Nurturing creativity

Many creatives allocate time in the morning for activities that nourish their creativity, such as reading, listening to music, sketching, or engaging in hobbies. This helps them tap into their artistic inspiration and stimulate their imagination.

How to build your own Morning routine – Step by Step

here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build your own successful morning routine 

Step 1: Identify your goals and priorities

Ask yourself:

  • What are your main goals or aspirations?
  • What areas of your life or work do you want to focus on improving?
  • What specific outcomes or results do you want to achieve?

Step 2: Assess your current morning routine

Ask yourself:

  • What does your current morning routine look like?
  • What activities do you typically engage in during your mornings?
  • Which actions or habits are beneficial and contribute to your well-being and productivity?
  • Are there any activities that are unproductive or draining?

Step 3: Reflect on your preferences and energy levels

Ask yourself:

  • Are you naturally a morning person or an evening person?
  • When do you feel most energized and focused during the day?
  • Do you prefer solitude or social interaction in the morning?
  • Are there specific activities that help you feel more motivated and inspired?

Step 4: Determine your optimal wake-up time

Ask yourself:

  • How much time do you need in the morning to feel prepared for the day?
  • Consider your work or personal commitments and obligations.
  • What time would allow you to have a sufficient morning routine without feeling rushed?

Step 5: Brainstorm potential morning activities

Ask yourself:

  • What activities or habits could contribute to your goals and well-being?
  • Are there specific practices, exercises, or rituals that align with your interests or values?
  • Consider activities like meditation, exercise, reading, journaling, or creative pursuits.

Step 6: Experiment and prioritize

Start incorporating a few of the activities you brainstormed into your morning routine. Experiment with different combinations and timings to see what works best for you. Pay attention to how each activity makes you feel and how it impacts your productivity and creativity.

Step 7: Evaluate and refine

Regularly evaluate your morning routine and its impact on your goals and well-being. 

Ask yourself:

  • Which activities have the most significant positive impact?
  • Are there any activities that are not as beneficial or could be replaced with something more effective?
  • Can you make adjustments to your routine to better align with your evolving needs and goals?

Step 8: Establish consistency

Once you’ve identified the activities that work best for you, strive to maintain consistency in your morning routine. Consistency helps build habits and allows you to reap the long-term benefits of your chosen actions.

Remember, building a successful morning routine is a personal process. Be flexible and open to adjusting your routine as needed. It’s about finding what works for you and supports your specific goals and aspirations.

Ideas of practices to incorporate into your morning routine 

In addition to the common morning habits previously discussed, here are some additional practices that can be beneficial for creative professionals to improve productivity, enhance creativity, and overcome creative block:

  1. Mindful Reading: Set aside time in the morning to engage in mindful reading. Choose books or articles that inspire creativity or explore topics outside your field of expertise. This can spark new ideas, broaden your perspective, and stimulate your imagination.
  2. Creative Warm-Up Exercises: Incorporate short creative warm-up exercises into your morning routine. These can include sketching, freewriting, brainstorming ideas, or engaging in improvisational activities related to your creative discipline. Such exercises help loosen up your mind, ignite creativity, and remove mental barriers.
  3. Visualization and Goal Setting: Spend a few minutes visualizing your creative goals, envisioning your desired outcomes, and imagining yourself successfully completing your creative projects. This practice can help clarify your vision, boost motivation, and instill a sense of purpose.
  4. Morning Pages: Adopt the practice of “morning pages” popularized by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way.” Each morning, write three pages of stream-of-consciousness writing without any judgment or self-editing. This exercise helps clear mental clutter, unlock creative thoughts, and overcome creative block.
  5. Nature Connection: Incorporate nature into your morning routine by taking a walk outdoors, practicing nature observation, or simply spending time in a natural setting. Research shows that exposure to nature can enhance creativity, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being, all of which can benefit creative professionals.
  6. Stimulating the Senses: Engage your senses in the morning to awaken your creativity. This can include listening to music, exploring new scents, savoring a cup of tea or coffee mindfully, or incorporating other sensory experiences that inspire and energize you.
  7. Collaborative Engagement: Connect with fellow creatives or engage in collaborative activities in the morning, such as participating in a brainstorming session, joining a creative group or community, or scheduling creative discussions with colleagues. Interacting with others can provide fresh perspectives, inspire new ideas, and offer valuable feedback.

Remember, it’s essential to tailor your morning habits to suit your personal preferences and creative process. Experiment with different practices, observe what resonates with you, and adapt your routine as needed. 

The goal is to create a morning ritual that cultivates a conducive mindset and environment for creativity, productivity, and sustained inspiration.

Biohacking habits to optimize overall well-being.

Here are some practices aligned with “biohacking” that can help optimize your biochemistry and promote overall well-being:

  1. Grounding/Earthing: Spend a few minutes each morning grounding yourself by walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil. This practice involves making direct contact with the Earth’s surface, which is believed to have various health benefits. It can help balance the body’s electrical charge, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep quality.
  2. Morning Sunlight Exposure: Get exposure to natural sunlight in the morning, ideally within the first hour of waking up. Sunlight exposure helps regulate your circadian rhythm, boosts vitamin D synthesis, and enhances mood. Step outside or open your curtains to let the natural light enter your living space.
  3. Cold Water Immersion: Incorporate cold water exposure into your morning routine, such as taking a cold shower or splashing your face with cold water. Cold water immersion can increase alertness, improve circulation, boost mood, and even enhance resilience to stress.
  4. Breathing Exercises: Engage in deep breathing exercises in the morning to promote relaxation and oxygenate your body. Practices like diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing, or box breathing can help reduce stress, increase focus, and balance your autonomic nervous system.
  5. Hydration: Start your day by hydrating your body. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up to replenish fluids lost during sleep. Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining optimal cognitive function, promoting detoxification, and supporting overall health.
  6. Nutrient-Rich Breakfast: Fuel your body with a nutrient-dense breakfast that includes high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits or vegetables. A balanced breakfast provides sustained energy, supports brain function, and promotes overall well-being.
  7. Mindful Eating: Practice mindful eating during breakfast, savoring each bite, and paying attention to your body’s hunger and satiety cues. Eating mindfully helps improve digestion, prevents overeating, and cultivates a deeper connection with your food.

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