Creating the Ultimate Environment For Productivity (using Montessori, James Clear & Feng Shui)

When I learned about Montessori I also started applying the principles to my environment and as a creative, I can attest to the instant increase in my productivity.

Get ready for an interesting blend of creativity, and productivity as we explore how these three philosophies can transform your workspace into a haven of inspiration and increased productivity.

Using Montessori’s Principles To Prepare the Creative Environment

Decluttering and Creating Order

Let’s begin by clearing the path to creativity. Just as Montessori classrooms emphasize the importance of a tidy space, your workspace should be free of clutter. Decluttering not only allows for a clear physical space but also declutters the mind, enabling your creative thoughts to flow freely.

Find joy in organizing your supplies, giving each item a proper home, and removing any unnecessary distractions. A clutter-free environment sets the stage for a clutter-free mind, allowing your creative ideas to take center stage.

Designing for Flow and Creativity

Photo by laura adai on Unsplash

Now, let’s embrace the spirit of flow and creativity. Montessori classrooms are carefully designed to promote learning, and your workspace should do the same. Create designated zones within your creative space that cater to different aspects of your artistic process.

Establish a brainstorming corner adorned with colorful sticky notes and whiteboards. Set up a sketching area equipped with sketchbooks and your favorite drawing tools. And don’t forget to create a dedicated space for bringing your creations to life.

By designing your workspace with intention, you’ll effortlessly transition between creative stages, unlocking a state of flow that ignites your imagination.

Making the space more accessible

Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash

In Montessori, you would prepare the environment for your child to enhance their creativity, focus, and overall learning experience. You would do this by making sure all their books and toys are accessible as well as the furniture. You can do this for yourself by having a similar mindset when you look at your own workspace. 

  • How can you make your space more accessible? 
  • Is everything you need within arms reach?
  • What is a daily frustration for you? 
  • Is your chair comfortable? Is the lighting efficient? 
  • Dissect the space and interrogate every component. 

Embracing Nature and Natural Elements

Photo by Prudence Earl on Unsplash

Nature holds incredible power in Montessori classrooms as well as in creative spaces. Embrace the beauty of the natural world by incorporating elements of nature into your workspace. A potted plant or a mini Zen garden can breathe life into your environment, infusing it with vitality and a sense of calm. Surround yourself with artwork inspired by nature or display shells and stones that remind you of the wonders beyond your creative endeavors.

By inviting nature into your workspace, you create a harmonious connection that nourishes your creativity and restores your spirit.

Create a rich learning environment

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

The beauty of Montessori is that it doesn’t force learning on children but instead fosters a love of learning and it does this in such a smart way. The space is carefully prepared by including rich learning material that focuses on providing stimulation for the senses and leaves out all distractions.

Think about your own space in the same way. How are you pleasing your senses? Would music help your productivity? Think about including objects of beauty that bring you joy. Don’t forget your sense of smell either. Involve and please all your senses. 

I love having plants and scented candles in my studio. I also enjoy having inspirational Art books on my shelves.

Building Productive Habits in the Environment (using James Clear’s insights)

Environment Design and Habit Formation

Now, let’s turn to the wisdom of James ClearOpens in a new tab.

You might also be interested in reading Habits, Systems & Routines For Improved Creativity (according to the PROS)Opens in a new tab.

Visual Cues and Triggers for Productive Actions

Visual cues can be powerful triggers for action. Take a page from James Clear’s book and incorporate visual reminders in your creative space. Place motivational quotes, images, or symbols that resonate with your goals and aspirations where you can see them. These visual cues serve as gentle nudges, reminding you of your creative purpose and encouraging you to take action. Whether it’s a vision board or a simple sticky note with an inspiring message, these visual triggers can have a profound impact on your mindset and productivity.

Habit Stacking and Environment Optimization

Habit stacking is another technique that James Clear champions. It involves linking new habits to existing routines in your environment. Consider the activities you regularly engage in before or after your creative sessions and find opportunities to incorporate new habits into these existing routines. For example, if you enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the morning before settling into your creative work, use that ritual as a trigger to set up your workspace and dive into your creative process. By leveraging your existing routines and optimizing your environment to support habit formation, you create a seamless path toward productivity and achievement.

Harmonizing Energy for Productivity with Feng Shui Principles

Balancing and Flow of Energy (Qi)

Incorporating Feng Shui principles into your creative environment can further enhance your productivity. Feng Shui emphasizes the balance and flow of energy, known as Qi. Start by assessing the arrangement of furniture and objects in your workspace. Ensure that there is a harmonious flow of energy by keeping pathways clear and allowing space for movement. Arrange your furniture to create a sense of balance and equilibrium. A well-balanced workspace facilitates a smooth and uninterrupted creative process, allowing your ideas to flourish.

Incorporating Elements of Nature

Feng Shui acknowledges the profound influence of nature on our well-being. Integrate natural elements into your creative space to create a connection with the environment. Incorporate plants, rocks, or water features to infuse your workspace with the rejuvenating energy of nature. A desk plant or a cascading waterfall desktop fountain can revitalize your surroundings, fostering a sense of tranquility and inspiration.

Positioning and Orientation for Optimal Creativity

The positioning of your workspace and yourself within it can significantly impact your creative output. According to Feng Shui principles, positioning yourself in the “command position” allows for a clear view of the entrance and a sense of control over your creative endeavors. Ensure that your desk is oriented in a way that allows you to face the entrance of the room while maintaining a comfortable and supportive position. By assuming this commanding posture, you position yourself for success and enable your creative energy to flow freely.

Color Psychology in the Creative Environment

Colors possess the ability to influence our emotions and energy levels. In the realm of Feng Shui, color psychology is employed to create a harmonious and stimulating environment. Consider the energy you want to cultivate in your creative space and choose colors that align with that intention. Warm colors like yellow and orange can inspire enthusiasm and creativity, while cooler hues like blue and green promote calmness and focus. Integrate these colors mindfully through artwork, accessories, or even a fresh coat of paint on the walls, enveloping your workspace in an atmosphere that supports your creative flow.

When it comes to Feng Shui, there are some basic do’s and don’ts to keep in mind to create a harmonious and balanced environment. Here are the key points:


  1. Clear the Clutter: Keep your space clean and organized to allow the smooth flow of energy (Qi).
  2. Balance Yin and Yang: Create a balance between light and dark, soft and hard, and other opposing elements in your space.
  3. Use Natural Light: Maximize natural light in your space as it promotes positive energy.
  4. Incorporate Nature: Bring elements of nature, such as plants, rocks, or water features, into your environment to enhance vitality and connection with the natural world.
  5. Create a Command Position: Position yourself in a way that allows you to see the entrance of the room while maintaining a comfortable and supportive posture.
  6. Choose Soothing Colors: Select colors that align with the intended energy of each space, using calming and inspiring tones to enhance the desired mood.
  7. Incorporate Meaningful Art: Surround yourself with artwork or objects that hold personal meaning or inspire you creatively.
  8. Maintain a Well-Functioning Space: Ensure that everything in your space is in good working order, as broken or malfunctioning items can disrupt the flow of energy.


  1. Avoid Clutter: Clutter obstructs the flow of energy, so avoid accumulating unnecessary items or allowing your space to become overly crowded.
  2. Avoid Sharp Edges and Corners: Soften sharp edges or corners with plants, furniture, or decorative items to prevent the accumulation of negative energy.
  3. Steer Clear of Blocked Pathways: Keep pathways clear and unobstructed to allow energy to flow freely throughout the space.
  4. Limit Mirror Placement: Avoid placing mirrors directly facing the bed or reflecting negative energy, such as clutter or sharp corners.
  5. Avoid Overwhelming Stimuli: Minimize excessive noise, bright lights, and other distractions that can disrupt focus and harmony.
  6. Don’t Neglect Maintenance: Regularly maintain and repair any broken or malfunctioning items in your space to prevent stagnant energy.

Remember, these guidelines are meant to provide a basic understanding of Feng Shui principles. However, personal preferences and individual circumstances should also be taken into consideration when applying Feng Shui principles to your space.

Clearing and Refreshing the Energy

Decluttering as a Practice

Decluttering is not a one-time event but an ongoing practice. Regularly decluttering your workspace helps maintain an environment conducive to productivity. Set aside time each week or month to assess your space and remove any unnecessary items. Keep surfaces clear and organized, allowing for smooth creative processes and preventing distractions from derailing your focus.

Refreshing the Energy of the Workspace

In addition to decluttering, refreshing the energy of your workspace is crucial. Open the windows to let in fresh air and natural light, rejuvenating the atmosphere. Consider incorporating methods such as burning sage or using essential oils like peppermint, lavender, or rosemary to purify the energy and create a harmonious ambiance. By refreshing the energy of your creative space, you create an environment that fosters clarity, inspiration and renewed creativity.

You could introduce an oil diffuserOpens in a new tab.

By integrating the principles of Montessori, James Clear’s insights, and Feng Shui, you have transformed your workspace into the ultimate productivity playground. A clutter-free and well-organized environment, designed for flow and infused with elements of nature, supports your creative process. Through visual cues, habit stacking, and optimizing your environment, you have established a foundation for productive habits.

By harmonizing energy and mindful color choices, you have cultivated an environment that nurtures your creativity. And finally, through regular decluttering and energy-refreshing practices, you ensure an ongoing cycle of productivity and inspiration.

Embrace this newfound productivity playground, allowing it to unleash your creative genius and propel you toward your goals.

Remember, this journey is an ongoing one, and as professional creatives, your workspace is an ever-evolving canvas. Continue to experiment, personalize, and refine your environment to meet your unique needs and creative aspirations.

Action Items:

  • Clear physical space and declutter the mind.
  • Organize supplies and remove unnecessary distractions.
  • Create designated zones for different creative tasks.
  • Optimize the layout and arrangement of furniture and tools.
  • Incorporate plants, natural materials, or artwork inspired by nature.
  • Design the environment to support desired habits.
  • Place visual reminders and cues for desired behaviors.
  • Link new habits to existing routines in the creative environment.
  • Ensure a harmonious flow of energy in the workspace.
  • Integrate plants, rocks, or water features.
  • Position the workspace and yourself for a clear view and control.
  • Choose colors that align with the desired energy and mood.
  • Regularly declutter and organize the workspace.
  • Open windows for fresh air and natural light.
  • Use methods like burning sage or essential oils to purify the energy.
  • Embrace the integration of these principles for an ongoing journey.
  • Personalize and refine your workspace to meet your unique needs.
  • Continuously experiment and adapt to your environment.
  • Harness the transformed productivity playground to unleash your creative genius.

The ultimate productivity playground awaits your artistic brilliance. Now, go forth and create the magic!

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