Montessori is a pedagogical model and as a rule, is fundamentally non-sectarian. The philosophy does not dictate a particular religion but instead promotes the nurturing of the child’s spiritual...
When I decided to start observing my child I went straight to the Montessori guides to learn what to look for while observing and how to use the information I gathered to support my child’s...
The years I spent working in an art gallery cemented my love for art but also made me realize how crucial it was to expose young children to the process of creating as soon as possible. Toddlers are...
10 Montessori Activities To Improve Your Toddler’s Vocabulary (That Anyone Can Do)
It was when my toddler recently started talking incessantly that I realized I had to make the most of this language explosion. I started looking for Montessori-friendly language activities that would...
I have recently introduced a Montessori Stereognostic bag to my 18-month-old toddler with great success. I quickly learned that these mystery bags provide endless opportunities for fun and learning...
When I first started reading about the Montessori method, it became clear to me that movement was an important theme. I have always been aware of the countless benefits of physical exercise, but what...